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Podiatry comes to your community

Podiatry comes to your community

Summit Podiatry, PLLC is now in business! After years spent treating people from the Bozeman area, Dr. Andrade is now working in his own space, with his excellent team. Dr. Jesse McClung completed the construction of a dentistry building and the opportunity to take his space over was a welcome change. Our space has been updated cosmetically, with examination rooms built and a procedure room in the planning phase. Wireless digital x-rays are provided as a service allowing comprehensive evaluation of the feet that can often be performed without a need to leave the building.
Dr. Andrade welcomes the patients he treated at Bozeman Foot and Ankle, and requests for old records are being facilitated. The new office, at 108 North 11th Avenue, Unit 2 in Bozeman is directly across the street from Bozeman High School. Convenient parking is available, steps from the treatment rooms, with alley parking just east of the clinic as well as covered parking on the north side of the building (reached from 11th Avenue). There is a B2 Urgent Care location and an SCL Health Clinic within 3 blocks of the office, so help is never far off.
Dr. Andrade is welcoming new patients. Ask your primary provider for a referral or call directly to our office to schedule an appointment.

Bijan Andrade, Podiatrist
Summit Podiatry, PLLC
Phone: (406) 577-2153
Fax: (406) 272-1648
108 North 11th Avenue Unit 2, Bozeman, MT 59715

What Dr. Andrade says about warts

What Dr. Andrade says about warts

As a foot doctor, one of the toughest problems to see is plantar warts. This kind of skin lesion, also known as verruca plantaris is thought to be caused by a subtype of Human Papilloma Virus. This aggravating condition is usually painless unless it occurs on a part of the foot that bears weight.
A review of the literature shows why this is a dreaded condition for providers. From folk treatments to surgery, the recurrence of the lesions is frequent. Most treatments are aimed at irritating the tissue around the wart until the body “rejects” the area, or at causing the skin to shed along with the wart infecting the skin. These treatments are painful, expensive, and unpredictable.
Frustration with this condition led Dr. Andrade to seek out other treatment options. The microwave-based treatment has been used for years in the United Kingdom, and it is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The Swift device uses a probe to heat the tissue in a limited space with the aim of causing the patient’s own immune system to “wake up” to the presence of the virus. There is limited pain with the procedure; most descriptions rate the pain with that of flicking a rubber band against the wrist. At the end of the treatment, there is no continued pain, and because the tissues are not being destroyed there is no wound and no need for bandages.
This treatment is limited in availability, but Summit Podiatry is able to provide this treatment. This is not a service currently covered by insurance, but financing is available.
If you would like to learn more, information is available at If you think you have a wart, call for an evaluation.

Dr. Bijan Andrade, Podiatrist
Summit Podiatry, PLLC
Phone: (406) 577-2153
Fax: (406) 272-1648
108 North 11th Avenue Unit 2, Bozeman, MT 59715